Retrieve the List of Service Plans

GET /plans/{accountName}

This endpoint will retrieve all of the service plans, features and carriers associated with the account specified.


Request Components

Header Parameters

The request header must set the content-type to JSON, contain a current ThingSpace authorization token and a current VZ-M2M session token. For more details on how to get these tokens, visit  Getting Started.

Parameter Name Data Type Description

HTTP Authorization bearer token:
Authorization: Bearer {token}


A valid session token:
VZ-M2M-Token: {M2Mtoken}


Must be application/json:
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Description
string The name of the account. This is numeric and in the format "0000123456-00001". Leading zeros must be included.

Request Body


Success Response

Status 200

Example Response:

    "accountName": "0000123456-00001",
    "accountNumber": "0000123456-00001",
    "organizationName": "user assigned name",
    "isProvisioningAllowed": true,
    "carriers": [
        "Verizon Wireless"
    "features": [
        "Dynamic IP",
        "Public Network",
        "eUICC Verizon as Lead",
        "Global eSim Billing"
    "servicePlans": [
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 0,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 1024,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 1024,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 1024,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 1024,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 1024,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 102400,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 256000,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "service plan name",
            "code": "identifier used for API calls",
            "sizeKb": 0,
            "carrierServicePlanCode": "plan ID code"
            "name": "4G-LTE Data SMS wTRM Denmark-9999999995-EU1",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data SMS wTRM-9999999994-EU1",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999996-EU1",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999997-EU1",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-AB",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-BC",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-MB",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-NB",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-NL",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-NS",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-NT",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-NU",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-ON",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-PE",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-QC",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-SK",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999998-CA1-YT",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-AB",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-BC",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-MB",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-NB",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-NL",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-NS",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-NT",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-NU",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-ON",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-PE",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-QC",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-SK",
            "sizeKb": 0
            "name": "4G-LTE Data and SMS with TRM-9999999999-CA1-YT",
            "sizeKb": 0

Response Parameters

Parameter Data Type Description
accountName string The numeric account name in the format "0000123456-00001".
accountNumber string Duplicates the accountName value and allows for interoperability
organizationName string User assigned name
isProvisioningAllowed boolean A flag set to indicate this information can be edited or not. "true" is the default.
carriers array An array of carriers that there are service plans for. "Verizon Wireless" is the default and will always be listed.
features array A listing of calling and service features.  For Global IoT Orchestrator, the features "eUICC Verizon as Lead" and 
"Global eSim Billing" will always be present.
servicePlans array

This array lists the names of all the available service plans and the ID information to use them in API calls.

NOTE: This list will also contain serviceplan placeholders. Placeholders can be identified by "sizeKb" : 0 and that the record only shows a name and sizeKb.

    name string The name of the service plan
    code string The inventory name or system name of the service plan
    sizeKb string The ammount of space the service plan will occupy on the Subscriber Information Module (SIM)
    carrierServicePlanCode string The billing record ID. This can be numeric, alpha or alphanumeric.

Failure Responses

All error responses will be in the following format

  "errorCode": "The 3-digit HTML error code",
  "errorMessage": "string"