API Reference for 5G Business Internet (5G BI)

Quick Reference for the 5G BI API Endpoints

Task HTTP Request
Device Attributes POST /v1/devices/actions/list
Activating a 5G Business Internet Device POST /v1/devices/actions/activate
Change a 5G Business Internet Service Plan PUT /devices/actions/plan

Supporting API Endpoints

The 5G BI service builds on the existing Connectivity Management API endpoints.  Useful endpoints are listed here:

Session Management

Task HTTP Request
Start a Connectivity Management session POST /session/login
End a Connectivity Management session POST /session/logout
Get a new Connectivity Management API password PUT /session/password/actions/reset

Device Service Provisioning and Management

Task HTTP Request
Domestic 4G and 5G Fixed Wireless qualification POST /v1/intelligence/wireless-coverage
Go to state for a device PUT /devices/actions/goToState
Change device contact information PUT /devices/actions/contactInfo
Change device cost center PUT /devices/costCenter
Suspend service for devices POST /devices/actions/suspend
Restore service for suspended devices POST /devices/actions/restore
Deactivate service for devices POST /devices/actions/deactivate
Check the status of an activation order and where the order is in the provisioning process GET /devices/requests/status
Check whether devices are available to be activated POST /devices/availability/actions/list
Add devices without activating service POST /devices/actions/add
Delete deactivated devices POST /devices/actions/delete
Get detailed information about devices POST /devices/actions/list
Get service suspension status for devices POST /devices/suspension/status
Change device identifiers to match hardware changes PUT /devices/{serviceType}/actions/deviceId
Change custom field values for devices PUT /devices/actions/customFields
Changes or removes the CostCenterCode value for devices PUT /devices/costCenter
Get the current processing status of an asynchronous request GET /accounts/{accountName}/requests/{requestID}/status

Connectivity and Service History

Task HTTP Request
Retrieve device usage history POST /devices/usage/actions/list
Retrieve aggregate device usage history POST /devices/usage/actions/list/aggregate
Retrieve device provisioning history POST /devices/history/actions/list
Retrieve device connection history POST /devices/connections/actions/listHistory

Device Groups

Task HTTP Request
Create a Device Group POST /groups
Update a Device Group PUT /groups/{accountName}/name/{gname}
Get a List of Device Groups for an Account GET /groups/{accountName}
Get Information about a Device Group GET /groups/{accountName}/name/{gname}
Delete a Device Group DELETE /groups/{accountName}/name/{gname}

Service Plans

Task HTTP Request
Get a list of service plans in an account GET /plans/{accountName}


For more information about callbacks, please visit About Callback Services and Callback Best Practices.

Task HTTP Request
Create a new trigger that sends an alert callback based on specified device usage. POST /trigger
Register a callback listener URL POST /callbacks
Get a list of registered callback listener URLs GET /callbacks
Delete a callback listener URL DELETE /callbacks

Accounts and Leads

Task HTTP Request
Get information about an account GET /accounts/{accountName}
Get a list of leads in an account GET /leads/{accountName}
Retrieve a list of registered device SKUs POST /accounts/{accountName}/sku

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Device Reachability Monitoring - Diagnostics

More information at About Device Reachability

Task HTTP Request
Monitor device reachability POST /diagnostics/basic/devicereachability
Stop device reachability monitoring DELETE /diagnostics/basic/devicereachability
Retrieve active reachability monitoring POST /diagnostics/basic/devicereachability/monitors
Retrieve reachability status POST /diagnostics/basic/devicereachability/status

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