Retrieve the Rate Plan List

For a specific profile ID, this endpoint will retrieve all of the associated rate plans and rate plan details. 

GET /v2/triggers/rateplanlist/{ecpdId}

Retrieves the rate plans and rate plan details for a profile ID. 

See also:
Create Price Plan Triggers Pay As You Go
Create Price Plan Triggers Stand Alone
Create Price Plan Triggers Profile Share
Create Price Plan Triggers Account Share

Request Components

HTTP Request


Resource Path and Query Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string The Enterprise Customer Profile Database ID (ECPD ID), also known as the Verizon Profile ID.

Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string HTTP Authorization bearer token.
string A valid session token returned by POST /session/login.
string Must be application/json.

Response Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description

Array of the rate plan groups and the details of the rate plans within the group

ratePlanGroup.ratePlanGroupDescription string The description of the rate plan group


string The type of the rate plan group
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan array Contains all the rate plans and their details for a specific profile ID
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.description string The description of the service plan
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.sizeKb string The allowance of the service plan in increments of Kilobytes (1,024 Bytes)
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.carrierRatePlanCode string The numeric service plan ID
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.zeroDollarBilling boolean

If the rate plan bills for zero dollars:

  • true - The rate plan bills for zero dollars
  • false - the rate plan bills based on the rate plan code
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.promotionOffered boolean

If there is a promotion associated with the rate plan:

  • true - there is a promotion offered
  • false - there is no promotion
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.promotionDays integer The number of whole days the promotion will last, if offered.
Note: if no promotion offered, this value will show as "-2147483648"
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.ratePlanType string

This will show the type of rate plan the record is for. Valid values are:

  • StandAlone Pool
  • Shared Pool
  • PayAsYouGo
  • AccountShare
  • ProfileShare
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.account array An array of the individual account IDs associated with the accountName 
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.account.accountName string The numeric billing account name and must include any leading zeros
ratePlanGroup.ratePlan.account.mtasAccountNumber string The numeric billing account number and must include any leading zeros

Success Response

Status 200

         "ratePlanGroupDescription":"AGS Description_73",
               "description":"PlanDescription 1",
               "description":"PlanDescription 2",

Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:

  "errorCode": "error code string",
  "errorMessage": "error message string"

Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.

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