Retrieve Billed Usage:

POST /devices/usage/actions/billedusage

Gets billing usage for a customer segment for a specified billing cycle, or the most recent billing cycle if one is not specified.


Uses and Requirements

Customers who have previously been required to associate a usage segmentation label with a device to retrieve billing for that segment will still be required to create a segmentation label. See Set Usage Segmentation Labels.

Both this API endpoint and billedusage/list are currently in use by the automotive sector.  Please note that these API endpoints are only available on a limited basis.

Request Components

HTTP Request


Resource Path and Query Parameters


Header Parameters

The request header must contain a current ThingSpace authorization bearer token and a valid VZ-M2M session token, and must set the content-type to JSON.

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string HTTP Authorization bearer token.
string A valid session token returned by POST /session/login.
string Must be application/json.

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string The name of a billing account. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.
required if not specifying deviceId
Array of label names and label values Maximum of 2,000 objects are allowed in the array.
Varchar(20) The label associated with the device.

You can only provide either label or deviceId. Not both.

Varchar (50) The label value.
required if not specifying label
deviceId object An identifier for a single device.

You can only provide either label or deviceId. Not both.

required if not specifying label*
string The type and value of the device identifier.
  • EID - Electronic ID. a 32 digit ID of the device.
  • ICCID - Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number. The 18 to 22 digit idenitfier of the SIM card in the device.
billingCycle   The billing cycle for which you want billing information. If you do not specify the billing cycle, the most recent billing cycle information is provided.
billingCycle.year integer The year in which the billing cycle occurs.
billingCycle.month integer The number representing the month of the billing cycle. Valid values include integers between 1 and 12.

Example Request Body

  "accountName": "9231221278-99990",
    "label": {
    "name": "VIN",
    "value": "XXUZL54B5YN105457"
  "deviceId": {
    "id": "29183120783667588118432098765864",
    "kind": "EID"
  "billingCycle": {
    "year": 2020,
    "month": 1

Success Responses

Status 200

Response Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Description
string The name of a billing account. An account name is usually numeric, and must include any leading zeros.
billingCycle   The billing cycle for which you want billing information. If you do not specify the billing cycle, the most recent billing cycle information is provided.
billingCycle.year integer The year in which the billing cycle occurs.
billingCycle.month integer The number representing the month of the billing cycle. Valid values include integer values between 1 and 12.
required if not specifying label
deviceId object An identifier for a single device.
required if not specifying label*
string The type and value of the device identifier.
  • EID - Electronic ID. a 32 digit ID of the device.
  • ICCID - Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number. The 18 to 22 digit idenitfier of the SIM card in the device.
required if not specifying deviceId
Array of label names and label values Maximum of 2,000 objects are allowed in the array.
Varchar(20) The label associated with the device.
Varchar (50) The label value associated with the device.
ratePlanDescription string A description of the rate plan.
totalBilledAmount integer The total dollar amount billed for the specified billing cycle.
totalBilledUsage integer Total of usage in units of measure.
unitOfMeasure string Indicates the method in which totalBilledUsage is measured.
usageSegments array Breaks down the billing and usage details by rating groups.
usageAPN array Breaks down the billing and usage details by Access Point Name (APN) for Real-Time Reporting (RTR) customers.
apnName string The name of the Access Point (APN).
ratingGroup string Breaks down billing and usage based on a contracted rate.
ratingGroupDetails array Lists charge and usage details for the billing cycles.
apnNameDetails array Lists charge and usage details for the billing cycles by Access Point Name (APN).
currentCycleDetails array Lists billing and usage details for the rating group for the specified billing cycle.
currentCycleDetails.chargeAmount integer The total dollar amount charged and usage information for the rating group by country code for the current billing cycle.
currentCycleDetails.countryCode string Code for the country that the usage and resulting charges are in.
currentCycleDetails.usage integer Total usage in the corresponding country for the billing cycle.
unbilledFromPreviousCycleDetails array of objects Lists usage and charge information from a previous billing cycle that was not billing until the current billing cycle.
unbilledFromPreviousCycleDetails.chargeAmount integer The total dollar amount charged in the rating group in the current billing cycle, but whose usage occurred in a prior cycle.
unbilledFromPreviousCycleDetails.countryCode string Code for the country in which the usage and resulting charges occurred in.
unbilledFromPreviousCycleDetails.usage integer Total usage from the unbilled cycle.

Example Success Response

         "ratingGroup":"SAMPLE DATA",
         "ratingGroup":"SAMPLE DATA 2",

Note: Instead of usageSegments, Real-Time Reporting (RTR) customers will see usageAPN as below:

         "apnName":"APN Sample Data",
                  "chargeDescription":"$0.006 per MB - USA"
                  "chargeDescription":"$0.006 per MB - USA"

Failure Responses

Status 400

All error messages are returned in this format:

    "errorCode": "error code string",
    "errorMessage": "error message string"

Error codes and messages are listed on the Error Messages page, along with explanations and suggestions for corrective actions.